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A short theory of relations​



Introduction: This essay promotes core ideas of systemic thinking

in relation to other scientific disciplines such as 

neurophenomenology, philosophy and communication theory,

laying out a path for a model of 'general interaction theories



It elaborates the idea, that everything we ever experience is

based on relations, and dives into some implications of that

understanding. The essay will equip the interested reader with

insights and a valuable framework for any contemporary interactional dynamics.


Original text was written in German. We apologize for any spelling mistakes, as we are still working on a proper translation. 



"I live in a world of constant change.

Cause if there wouldn't be any change, 

there wouldn't be any notion that there isn't."

(Gregory Bateson)


To understand our world we need to understand phenomena, systems, organizational patterns and general principles of order. These form the base of everything that exists. 


Our world, the world of appearances, can be divided into a multitude of different phenomena. All these phenomena are systemically organized and are subject to functional organizational patterns, or they form structural relationships within the framework of a material-physical organizational principle. An understanding of such structural relationships is the basis of every relationship theory, both for the relationships of the physical world and for sociodynamic, cultural, or individual, interpersonal relationships.


Organizational principles for networked relationships are constituted in the interplay of differentiation and demarcation, that is, from the emergence of incongruence tensions, as well as the antagonistic effect of their integration and the harmonious interplay of interdynamic forces. The delimitation of why something is 'something' at all is based on the different organizational patterns with regard to the relational connections within any organizational principle and beyond, i.e. in relation to another system or a different type of organizational unit.


The boundary at which an organizational principle ends or in other words at which a system forms a delimited unit and another 'pattern' begins, is always defined in an interplay with another organizational principle, an 'observing' unit. If one considers a person or several people as an observing unit, it becomes clear that a normatively defined classification of 'something' must always arise within a symbolic and socio-cultural human scope for experience and definition, as we as humans are born through language...



Image by Dhruv Weaver

 "Wir können die Inhalte von Wissen nur verstehen, wenn wir die (sensorischen, instrumentellen und rationalen) Bedingungen der Möglichkeit eines solchen Wissens analysieren." 

Michel Bitbol 1998

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